Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Break was really good, and coming back to school was kind of harsh. Prob and Stat Exam, huge feature story due, anxiously awaiting my rejection letter from the Pulliam Foundation. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to get a full nights sleep again. I blame my stupid worrying, but I also blame my new habit. I've started to go to bed early, then set my alarm early in the morning so that I can study/finish my assignment for my 9:00 so that I can get more sleep. This does not tur S out very well, sadly. And I've started to get these sores on the inside of my cheeks, and Slang told me that her dentist said that its a stress thing--she's been doing the same thing. And I've been dreaming a whole lot more, lately. Disturbing dreams, where I'm the bad guy. I don't like being the bad guy.

I figured out my schedule for next semester and filled out my graduation application. A handful of required classes and I'm done with school. So scary. I don't even know what I want to do with myself tomorrow afternoon, let alone after school. I am thinking that I really want to go to graduate school, but this is going to mean taking out loans and thats scary on a whole other level. IUPUI has this masters in media studies program that looks really fun, but who knows what I'll want to do next year.

Just venting until I got tired enough to close my eyes. I think I'm there.

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