Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Get me out of this drama-filled O.C.

In case you didn't know, nothing ever happens in my life. Drama happens all around me, and I just get the reflected glow off of everyone else's excitement. But I'm no complaining, I love my drama-free life. But the more crap I help people deal with, or listen to people vent as they deal with it, the more I realize that I live through people a lot. And I live through characters I read about and watch in movies. Its a very safe life, and I'm very happy by my standards. But last night I watched Shadowlands, this movie about how C.S. Lewis got married to this loud mouthed yankee poet. And I think when Lewis met Joy he realized that he had been living life really safe because he didn't let too many people into it that challenged him. He was always the best in his social circles. The most intelligent, the best writer, the best debator... he didn't have a single challenging relationship until he met Joy.

And it got me thinking... I don't want to live safe anymore. Lord, I think I'm ready to have my own experiences again. I want to allow the people in my life to not only support me, but challenge me to become who you've called me to be. I know I'm falling short right now, and it feels like I'm not really living. I know if I come to you willing to change, you'll work with me. We'll see how it goes.

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