Monday, May 22, 2006

I feel so out of context...

Today I realized something when I was visiting students at the high school for lunch. I have talked to my parents less this past week than when I am at school, which is three hours away. I live at home, that is just pathetic. So I decided to run down the hall and see my dad really fast before he left for lunch, and he invited me to come back in a half hour to watch his kids dissect rats. Seriously. That. Is. Disgusting. I told him I'd pass, then I made a mental note to sit with him on the couch sometime this week so we could cuss at the Reds. Now, that is quality father-daughter time.

Lauren and I have been together A LOT though. She's actually turning into someone I like to hang out with, and I'm pretty sure that I never thought that would happen. We got Netflix for the summer and we've got about a thousand we plan to see together. Plus, anytime I'm "working" at a youth event, I get to hang out with her. Such fun, I'm in a pretty good situation.

It is a beautiful day outside. I think I'll help my dad in the yard. Get some free tanning in. Right now, my arms resemble a farmer's (Darn you, tennis class). This is not good. I have to look cute in a shiny blue dress in 18 days. Need to work on the tan a little bit more. Blah Blah Blah. My life is Boring. Blah Blah Blah. I'm out, talk to ya soon.

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