Saturday, August 25, 2007

Getting settled in a new (yet familiar) place

I'm back at school. This time, I'm in an on-campus apartment. The beauty about these apartments is that I don't have to commute, and at the same time I no longer have to participate, or am even be solicited to participate in so-called "residence life." Like floor activities, I.E. pumpkin carving, scavenger hunts, Oscar parties, and open dorm hours.

And we have our own cable television. With free On Demand movies. You might think this is superficial, but when I spend 4-5 hours in classes a day, then 4-5 hours doing schoolwork, as well as studying for the GRE I'm taking in a month... mindless, really bad television is necessary for my sanity. Last night I watched The N and the Disney channel. Today, I watched three episodes of Inferno 3 and the Hills. I'm preparing myself for what's to come. And I also get to watch as much CNN and MSNBC as I want. Which is amazing in itself.

Right now I'm sitting at my new desk with a cup of tea. I really like this feeling. And I thought I had a lot more to write about but I don't right now. When my roommate gets her pictures downloaded, I'll do a post explaining why I'm considering a move to Denver next year. Well, it may be more like dreaming right now, but hopefully soon it will be a consideration.

And now, its time for more mindless television. Everybody's got love a Saturday night.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What you may never have known...and probably never wanted to

Okay, so I've been tagged, and I'm going to follow through for two reasons: It's my last day of work and I don't have any assignments to work on, I'm just waiting for obits to come in AND Greg tagged me. I like Greg, I owe Greg a lot actually. He had to read the worst screenplay ever (written by me, about HANSON) and he still gave me a good grade. So I will now proceed... here are the rules:

You must write a blog post with ten weird, random things, little-known facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose at least 5 people to be tagged, list their names and why you picked them. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you’ve been tagged” and tell them to read your latest blog.

1. Sometimes, I hope I'll be single the rest of my life.

I think it has to do more with selfishness more than anything else. And a need for personal space and alone-time. I cannot imagine being married, I never even dreamed about my wedding as a little girl. And I'm starting to develop this independent, strong-willed part of myself that doesn't feel like it needs anyone. And when I do need someone, I have my mom, or my friends. Also, as a part of this hope, I think, I have started to forget how to interact with members of the opposite sex. Not, like, in a work environment or anything. But a social one, with guys my own age. Being alone, in the romantic sense of the word, doesn't scare me...and sometimes I think this makes me a freak. But I kind of like being a freak.

2. When I'm alone, in the car or at my house, I sing... really loud and all the time.

When I was younger, I just sang all the time. I was way more outgoing and apparently lived like the world was my stage. Mariah Carey and Amy Grant were my faves to sing back then. At the playground, I made up this game for me and my friends that involved a four corners-like game at the huge sandbox, and it involved singing Boys II Men and All 4 One songs...But then I found that sense of self-consciousness and self-awareness that most do when they grow up, and now I hide my singing, mostly because I can hear myself and wouldn't want anyone else to have to.

3. I have friends that feel more like an obligation than a blessing. They're work.

Who likes to walk on egg shells when they hang out? Or have a running list in your head of things you cannot talk about around a friend? Apparently, I do. These friends are needy, clingy and super-sensitive. All things I am not, really. And we never argue because I work so hard at making it so they never get mad at me. I'll drive home from hanging out with said person(s) and I feel worn out. And these are the same friends who aren't happy until they see that you are happy in the same way they are. Which leads to endless talks about who they want to set me up with. If you don't see a problem with being set up on countless blind dates, see no. 1 above.

4. I have tons of notebooks in my bedroom at home, full of short stories and poetry that I will never read again.

I'll never read them because I know they are complete garbage. They date back to 1995, I think. I made the mistake of opening one once, and it was all rhyme-y and full of bad imagery and very, very naive. But I won't throw them out, either. Because I had to get through the really bad, "I have to say something profound when I write" phase before I could get to this place where I'm comfortable saying the first thing that comes to mind. I don't have to over think it or worry that I don't sound witty or hip. I can just write, and those notebooks remind me of how far I've come.

5. I'm a compulsive sign-reader.

Now, I don't read them aloud, or anything. My little sister does this on road trips. But I cannot drive by, or even walk by, a sign without reading it. And most signs are just crap, really. Elections posters and sign-up sheets and even the odd petition once in a while. But I do catch a gem sometimes, like... ELECT HAROLD "BUD" WEISER FOR TOWN COUNCIL... classic.

6. I can only clean the bathroom when I'm listening to really crappy music.

It has to be Kanye West, Ashlee Simpson, or maybe even a little Avril. It puts me into this euphoric, out-of-body state that makes cleaning a toilet seem a little less repulsive. It might be a mixture of the music with the cleaning chemicals... but when I'm listening to Ashlee screech "I didn't steal your boyfriend," life seems a lot better than it normally does... and it makes me want to scrub tile.

7. I'm not an artsy or a person who is good at crafts. Not creative at all, actually. But I did have a craft year.

It was 2005-06, the year I turned 20. I learned how to crochet, knit and cross-stich. I even made a purse as a birthday present for a friend on my mom's sewing machine. That Christmas I wrapped all the presents for my mom, and did this over-the-top, beautiful bows for them. I had never been able to curl ribbon before. Everyone laughed when I told them it was my craft year... but it really was. I have the scarves at home to prove it.

8. I want to write a memoir.

I'm thinking it will have to wait until my father is dead, but I'd love to write about being a basketball coach's daughter. There are a lot of stories to tell, and I've kind of started getting some of them down so I won't forget details. But I hate memoirs, really. They are just so trendy right now. But If someone were to chain me to a desk and tell me to write one, this is what it would be about. Living in Indiana, moving from county to county where everyone knows, and openly criticizes your dad.. all in the name of a leather ball and two baskets.

9. I think I want to go to grad school to avoid growing up.

I love studying communication, I really do. But honestly, the biggest appeal to going to grad school right after graduation is that I don't want be have a full-time job yet. I have loved this internship, but there are a lot of things I want to experience before I'm tied to a desk 40 hours a week at a local paper writing about small-town events for small-town audiences. It just isn't what I want for my life right now. I want to be a student a little longer.

10. I really don't think any of the above facts are worth reading, or that interesting.

I think I'm a slave to this attitude that anyone and everyone has a better story than I do. I think that's why I like reporting so much. I get to write and tell people stories, but I never once have to talk about myself. Talking about myself is restricted to this blog, that a total of two (I think) people read. And I'm just fine with that. So, sorry if you read this list, because I wouldn't if I were you.

Now comes this time where I'm supposed to tag people. Here goes...

Anna Pashley - because she's in Switzerland, and I'm unabashedly jealous of her life right now.
Brad Polley - Just because I wanted to annoy him with a blogging game.
Leslie Newton - because she is the first one on my xanga subscriptions...
Beth Hale - the second on my xanga subscription list...
Kristi Sluka - because I miss her...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I've neither the energy nor the motivation to title this post

I've had a really good summer. Good friends. A lot of really good nights out, and some good ones staying in with my family. I've made leaps and bounds in the pursuit of furthering my clippings notebook is huge, and has some quality articles in it. And today I'm just trying to dwell on that kind of stuff.

Because the alternative is living in the here and now, which, at the moment sucks, for lack of better phraseology.

My 85 year-old grandma had a small stroke yesterday and she's in the hospital. She was also really dehydrated and is in the early stages of pneumonia. She's the tiniest woman in the world anyway. And she lives in this amazing, but really old, farmhouse with no central air. Last week, she refused to go to the doctor to get all of her prescriptions renewed. Its not that she doesn't want to take her medicine, she just hasn't left the house in a really long time and her perspective is all messed up. My mom's there right now, and I can't be. I have too much to wrap up here at the paper...its my last week here and I have to be at the county fair all day tomorrow and out of the office on Friday.

I just want to go home and cry. But I obviously have to get this stuff done today.

Is this what being a grown up is? Coping with a family crisis from behind a computer screen, and in between phone calls to school officials trying to get information for an article due in just a few hours?

I am so completely ready to be back in school.