Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You are what you write

Dear Blogspot,

I read the article "Words of Caution: Bloggers who use Web to grouse about the workplace face employers' wrath as companies put limits on employees' speech" in the Indianapolis Star on Sunday. And I want to confess about something right now. I am fully aware that my identity is revealed on this blog. My real name and picture are used to personalize it. I also know that because I post my thoughts and feelings and stories on blogspot, anyone in the world can access it. Therefore, if I ever write anything to hurt my reputation or the reputation of a friend, family member or employer, it will be my own fault if I am punished in some way. So blogspot, I'm sorry that people are blaming you for their stupidity. If they wouldn't ride down street with a bullhorn reading their posts, maybe they shouldn't be posting it in the firstplace. Journals are for the things you need to write but are afraid to offend with... blogs are for writing for others to share in your life. And when I say others, you know I mean anyone in the entire world who is smart enough to use the Internet, right? The only reason underground newspapers are worth anything is that no one can figure out who is trashing them. I think we can learn a lot from this, blogspot.

And also, my dear friend, I want to apologize for your other users out there who think they are being mysterious when they talk about a friend who stabbed them in the back or hurt their feelings, but think its okay to talk hatefully about someone because they omit a name. And yes, we ALL know who they are talking about. No one is as mysterious as they think they are. So sorry, blogspot, that we misuse you and blame you when someone gets hurt... or we get fired.

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