Saturday, January 13, 2007

My Dearest J-term,

Thank you so much. Because you exist I get 2 1/2 weeks of vacation without actually having to be at my parent's house. And I love my parents but the craziness they bring into my life can only be tolerated for so long. If I had to wake up, walk out into the kitchen for a bagel only to be met by my fully caffeinated mother talking to me so fast I wasn't sure if it was a real language one more time, I'm not sure if I could have survived.

But thanks to you, J-term. I get to be in my dorm room with my comfy bed and dark curtains. My head has begun to hate natural lighting and my curtains and light bright lamp really accommodate this. Only during J-term do I have time to think about such things.

Also, J-term, I am thankful for you because it has given me uninterrupted hours to bond with my new roommate. Since you give us all the time in the world to waste away, we can spend hours watching amazingly good movies (and sometimes bad, because sometimes you are only in the mood to watch a really bad movie) or talking about nothing. Normally, as students we would feel guilty about these activities. During the regular semester the only comfort time we allow ourselves is a run to Coffee D'Vine, and even with that we are justifying that the caffeine fix will help us complete our unfathomable amounts of reading and other assignments. But now, you have given us all the time we could want to enjoy ourselves on campus.

Now my friend, I do not want to sound like I'm complaining about the regular semester, but getting to know you has made me realize how unique and special you are. You are not be be taken for granted, J-term. You are a bright, shining couple of weeks in my college career, and I should be treating you as the gift from God you are.

I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you. I wish we could be together always.


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