Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The burden's gone now

For the past three weeks, since the bloody day I mailed in my Pulliam internship application, I haven't been sleeping well. I have these sores on the inside of my cheeks, because I've been biting my mouth in my sleep, and I'm lucky if I sleep four consecutive hours. This is not me. I am a unabashed heavy, sometimes to the point of snoring, sleeper. But this is a huge thing.... where am I going to intern? Where am I going to live this summer...? I like the unknown as long as it is not imminently upon me.

So I'm not sure that its a coincidence that mere hours after I got the call, telling me I'd won a Pulliam internship for the summer, that I fell asleep for three hours, from 6-9 p.m. No more unknown. Nothing more to worry about. What am I going to do with myself. Sleep, and sleep some more.

I'm so excited. I'll be working at the Martinsville Reporter-Times and living at home. I'll still get to do stuff with OVCF, and my bestest friend Shelle is going to be finally spending a summer at home. So we'll get to see loads of each other.

The actual newspaper part, though, leaves me a little nervous. But there is no point in getting nervous about that now. It will be hard work but, its kind of my dream, so I guess I'm going to love it.

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