Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I've neither the energy nor the motivation to title this post

I've had a really good summer. Good friends. A lot of really good nights out, and some good ones staying in with my family. I've made leaps and bounds in the pursuit of furthering my clippings notebook is huge, and has some quality articles in it. And today I'm just trying to dwell on that kind of stuff.

Because the alternative is living in the here and now, which, at the moment sucks, for lack of better phraseology.

My 85 year-old grandma had a small stroke yesterday and she's in the hospital. She was also really dehydrated and is in the early stages of pneumonia. She's the tiniest woman in the world anyway. And she lives in this amazing, but really old, farmhouse with no central air. Last week, she refused to go to the doctor to get all of her prescriptions renewed. Its not that she doesn't want to take her medicine, she just hasn't left the house in a really long time and her perspective is all messed up. My mom's there right now, and I can't be. I have too much to wrap up here at the paper...its my last week here and I have to be at the county fair all day tomorrow and out of the office on Friday.

I just want to go home and cry. But I obviously have to get this stuff done today.

Is this what being a grown up is? Coping with a family crisis from behind a computer screen, and in between phone calls to school officials trying to get information for an article due in just a few hours?

I am so completely ready to be back in school.

1 comment:

greg said...

Hey Sarah...

Always love reading what's going on with you. It's like a Gilmore Girls episode.

So - I've tagged you. See if you have time to do it.. :)

Once you’ve been tagged, as I have, you must write a blog post with ten weird, random things, little-known facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose at least 5 people to be tagged, list their names and why you picked them. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you’ve been tagged” and tell them to read your latest blog.