Saturday, May 03, 2008

Life's going on...

"Our youth is fleeting, old age is just around the bend, and I can't wait to go gray...." -Death Cab For Cute
So, I graduate in two weeks, as long as I can get all of my shit done. And there is A LOT of it. I have procrastinated like no other. But there are some things to look forward to. I'll list a few of them.

-I got into the IU School of Journalism Master's program. I'm starting in the fall and I got an assistantship to help pay for tuition, that's all I know. I'm completely pumped, and really intimidated at the same time.

-My sister is getting MARRIED in August and I'm her maid of honor, which I am completely excited about. She is so happy that I no longer feel like Jo March from Little Women. I guess it's okay that my sisters and I are growing up. Sometimes it is kind of fun.

-I am moving into my own apartment in less than a month. Yesterday, I bought a futon, and felt like a grown-up. But if I had really wanted to be an adult, I would have bought a full-blown couch. A futon is like the teenager of furniture.

-Reading, reading and more reading. I'm totally going to get a Bloomington library card. I love libraries... FREE BOOKS and FREE INTERNET. I have a running list in my head of books I need/want to check out. The first one I'm going to tackle is Les Miserables. I'm studying the French Revolution in my Early Modern Europe class.

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