Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dreams, Dreams are fascinating things.

I don't think dreams really count until you can tell someone else about them. Waking up from an interesting dream is one of a handful of times I generally feel lonely. If there was a man in my bed I could wake him up and pester him with the details of my dream before they got away from me (why do we forget dreams so easily?). But since that is really the only reason to have a man in your bed (really, why else would you need one? If I had to share my bed I would not be able to lie diagonally across it like a savage animal), so that you can make him listen to every annoying thought that comes to your conscious and subconscious mind, I have decided to turn to social media to fill that void.

If you can summarize the main points of your dream in 140 characters or less, then I recommend Twitter as your outlet. I like my Twitter followers better than my Facebook friends. It is because I actually "know" them less. I like that it is completely appropriate for Twitter followers to be complete strangers, or at best, causal acquaintances. If I have a longer, more interesting dream then I might have to recount it on Facebook. But then I run the risk of high school frenemies judging me, or my Mamaw commenting on it (Sarah, you are such sweet girl. Call me sometime!)

There are always dreams that a respectable person cannot share withe masses. My bff Sarah gets to receive those via text message. OR there was the time I had a pregnancy dream about my baby sister that FELT SO REAL it prompted me to text her and apologize for not remembering to throw her a shower for her fake baby from my dream. (Yes, my guilt runs so deep that I feel the need to apologize for imaginary happenings).

The best dream I ever had was so good that it got a Facebook post, a tweet, and was a topic of conversation as many times as I could bear to introduce it. Once I had a dream that I was on a cruise ship. And Ellen DeGeneres was my Cruise Director. She wore a sailor hat and danced her way around the deck. I like to think, or at least hope, that this is more of a premonition and that one day, Ellen will dance herself into the hearts of hundreds of boat passengers. She is so fantastic.

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