Sunday, September 04, 2005

Here is some dialogue that I recorded of my friends.

Sarak K.: So, Jenn is writing a paper on dating vs. courtship. Nevermind. Scratch that. She's writing on euthanasia. I did not know what euthanasia was. I always thought they were saying "youth and Asia." I was like, "Who cares. Aren't they the same as youth in America?" Then I found out its assisted suicide. So no I know.

Sarah G.: Why do you have that thing? (the tape recorder)

Sarah K.: Because I asked for one for my birthday because I thought I'd use it and I really don't use it but its really fun because you can walk around and be like, "Note to self." Crazy. In fact I think I'll do it tomorrow. And also I found some stuff my friends talk about on Spring Break, ON THE WAY TO SPRING BREAK and I didn't even know it and I listened to it.

Sarah G.: Did I tell you about this morning?

Sarah K: Yes you did. You told me about your hairdryer. It caught on fire. But anyway. Here's Joanna.

Joanna: What do I do? Is it already recording right now? Wow. This thing is amazing. I just have to let you know Sarah that I love you.

The next day.

Sarah K.: Note to self. Make Mindi leave me a note. She's right here.

Mindi: Hi Sarah. How are you? I just wanted to let you know that you're awesome. Every time I hear your funny voice it just makes me jump for joy. Jump! Jump! Jump! Just like Tigger. Just like Tigger. Every time, you aren't here I feel as if I'm Eeyore. Its saddened with out Sarah Keyse. You know, that's just what you brought to me. Joy and laughter. And really fun times. Here's AJ.

AJ: Hey Mindi. This is AJ. Um.... (laughs hard for a few seconds). Well, here's Mindi.

Mindi: That reminds me of piglet. (More uncontrollable laughing)

Sarah K: Note to self. Pray for Ashley and her grades. Pray for Travis Williams. Pray for Daniel. Start on colloquium paper. Go see Martha next Monday at 3. Thank Mom for making her making me take that CLEP test.

Sarah G.: 1400 red balloons. Sitting in a canopy. White dress, maybe beige. Definitely sleaveless and a really long veil. No poofy skirt. Sarah Keyse' wedding dress.

Sarah G: Another wedding note, definitely definitely chicken. No Disco music, maybe, maybe punk 'cause that would be fun. Definitely Definitely dancing to the Gilmore Girls theme song. And obviously Dave Barnes' wedding medley.


Sarah G.: And then I'm like, my sister and my mom are in front of me, who in the crap. And she's like, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CUT YOUR HAIR! And I turned around and its Britney, the girl I was really good friends with in jr. high and kinda friends with in high school and now is like a complete druggie slut frat girl.

Sarah K.: Me too.

Sarah G: Amen sister.

Sarah K.: This weekend I went to this frat party at Rose Hulman and it was oh man, oh baby oh baby.

This was some dialogue that my roommate and I recorded last year for fun. I got out her tape recorder, but I couldn't get past this recording, so I decided to jot it down for this week. The thing that really stuck out to me was the difference in the speed of the real people talking compared actors in movies. We never pause between our sentences. We talk so fast.

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