Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Its quite possible that I am going to be ridiculed a little after this post, but I want to discuss some people who have been very close to my heart the last few years--The Gilmore Girls. I love those women. I started out watching it because I thought the dialogue was so incredibly fresh and funny, but now I am so in love with the story. I love how the writer makes a completely hilarious, strong character in Lorelai out of what I think could have been the regular, depressing single mom character that is played so much.

My whole life is kind of Gilmore-ized to the point where I am constantly quoting the show, or saying things like, "You are so much like Kirk" (an amazing small-town wacko on this show. I watch the first three seasons on DVD constantly in my room, and I laugh at the same lines over and over. Its just the right amount of drama, comedy and whimsy to make me want to watch it and wish my life could be filled with so much wit.

1 comment:

greg said...

Hey. Gilmore Girls is considered one of the best written shows on TV... so don't let the haters bring you down.

Nice job on your ideas... very original... I can't wait to see what you are gonna do with them... especially if you are able to pull off some Gilmore witticisms....