Monday, May 01, 2006

'Cause I'm a Toys 'R Us Kid...

I'm really enjoying the fact that I am not at a point where I have to make any grown-up decisions. Today in interpersonal we had a discussion about whether or not it is right/traditionally okay for a woman to want to keep her maiden name, or hyphenate her name when she gets married. A lot of really good points of view were shared, and it got me thinking and I decided what I would do if I ever got into an engagement situation.... I'm lying, I have no freaking clue what I would do.

That's why I love the way my life is right now... I don't have the power, or really the opportunity to make grown up decisions and I really like that. Of the four of my best friends from high school, one is married and one is engaged. One lives with her boyfriend, and the other is just like me--we get bored with the same guy and never want to grow school dominates our lives, and we love it that way. So, let's just say that with that, plus my two close friends from HU who are engaged, I'm feeling a little behind in life. I love it though. Call me Peter Pan, 'cause I don't feel like I ever want to grow up.

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