Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"The Intern"

As soon as I wrote my title I thought it sounded like a competitor to "the Apprentice." How stupid would that show be, probably vh1's version with Flava Flave or Danny Bonaduce as the host. Amazing. Anyway... I promise I haven't got sucked into the illusion that is reality telelvision, but the intern is my new identitiy for the summer. I'm the student ministries intern at my home church this summer.

So far, I've eaten lunch with students, wrote a letter to a few of 'em, and played ultimate frisbee...Which I should probably look into as a profession, I'm pretty good (and a total liar, apparently.) And I have slept A LOT since I have been home. It feels amazing. Plus, I'm reading for fun. I guess all of the life wasn't sucked out of me last semester, like I originally thought.

Being home has been an experience so far. Not saying if it's been a good or bad one, because I'm not even sure yet. My b-day was Saturday and absolutely NO ONE made a fuss over me, which I hate, so it was pretty much the perfect day. Plus, my sister's bought me Sephora and a yoga mat. They love me, its true. My mom and I are heading on a shopping trip to some of my favorite stores soon... well maybe not soon, just when we both have the time. But it will be fun. And Friday I am going to go hang out with my former best friend who is newly brainwashed and engaged. Our interaction is always so surface-level anymore and I'm at the point where it doesn't seem worth it to even bother. But alas, she's my Heidi... bring on the awkward silences.

Hmm... the best thing about being at home. Dinner is fixed every night for just four people... not 1000, so it has flavor and food group variation. Home sweet home.

1 comment:

greg said...

Welcome home...


Happy birthday... late... :)