Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Last week was busy, but a reallly good one. I forgot how nice it was to get a paycheck that was more than $87 every month, which is what I tried to live on during the year. Yay for money. Strike that, yay for not having to worry about money.

Lots of stuff is going on, but none of it interesting enough to put in this post. I'm just working, which means going to the office to plan and study all day, which I'm really enjoying, and hanging out with students in the evening. When I'm not with students, I'm hanging out with my lil' sis, who is in fact a junior in my youth group, or I'm sleeping. I'm not completely unpacked and settled in my room yet, so I have been floating from sleeping on the futon in my sis' room to the coach about every other night.

For Memorial day Lauren and I went up to Indy to hang out with our big sis Katie, who is living up there and going to Butler pharmacy school. We went to Circle Center and shopped, which turned out to be fun but pretty fruitless, and we had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory which was amazing. It was nice to have some uninterrupted time with her. I think it was the first time in 2.5 years that her boyfriend didn't call when I was with her. That made my day.

Todays agenda= going to the office, playing ultimate frisbee w/ students at 2:00, coming home and hosing the sweat of my exhausted body (it is going to be so hot outside), and driving to B-town to tan and buy the frames for my mom's b-day present. We are going to frame some portraits that I took of me and my sisters on Saturday when we were at Butler. It's going to be fun.

By the way, I'm now addicted to the show you see listed below this post. Katie bought and brought the first season home for me to watch a few weeks ago, and since then I have downloaded the entire second season to watch. I fell in love w/ Veronica's character. I'm sad that I have to wait until September before I can watch a new episode.

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