Thursday, November 09, 2006

Can it end now?

The problem with leadership is...

-Everyone cannot see your intentions when you make a decision

-Everyone is not on the same page as you, you have to stop and wait for them to catch up

-When someone else screws up, or even if things were out of everyone's control...the leader always, ALWAYS gets blamed

-When its your turn to hate the world, you still have to be the up or slacking off is never an option

-You have to get your hands dirty... You have to set an example that probably no one is going to notice anyway.

-You're the first one there and last to go, and there's no time to catch up on sleep because you have to do it all over the next day.

-You have to take responsibility for everyone's work...even when it sucks. But you can't just change or redo the sucky work, because that is insulting to the worker. You are never allowed to insult, just be insulted. Same goes for criticism.

-Judgement and criticism never end. Even when it makes you want to cry.

Today I wish it was all over.

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