Sunday, October 21, 2007

Some Tidbits...

There have been no monumental happenings in my life, but quite a few small, insignificant ones. Here's what I can think of.

Made it to and through midterms, and got to enjoy fall break with the family. Also watched every episode of The Office, I was pretty ambitious.

My friend Kristi is a new mom, and her son is beautiful. Christopher Raymond Sluka was born October 6. I can't believe how much faster she is growing up than I am...

I have really stupid neighbors. Big, tall, dumb jocks that cycle through the girls on this campus. I'd hate it if they weren't so fun to laugh at.

Saw "Across the Universe" and loved it. There are also about eight movies coming out before Christmas that I can't wait to see. And the Huntington 7 only charges $3 for students now, which is amazing, and means I can see all of them.

I'm reading "Atonement" right now, and its amazing.

My new goal is to finish all of my grad school applications, including getting my letters of recommendation turned in, before New Year's.

I think that's about it for my small, small life. I like it though. Big, life-changing events may come later. But for now I'll just breathe, and rest and enjoy. Later.

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