Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When did life get so good?

The last week here at school has exceeded all of my expectations as far as being at Huntington goes. I mean, exceptionally good things have been happening to me.

Two weeks ago we had a chapel speaker worth listening to. First of all, he was a journalist, so I was pretty much interested right off the bat. But he came to talk about racial reconciliation and it was so, so good. At first, I was almost resentful of him coming. Whenever someone comes to my predominantly white, upper-middle-class college to talk about racism, I suspect the school invited him/her out of obligation. And even then, it is to puff us up about how far our actions and attitudes have come. "Look at me, my great-great whatever used to own slaves, and now we let minorities come to our school, sit in our churches, become fully integrated into our society..." But this particular speaker didn't come to make us feel good about our non-racist habits, but he shed some major light on how in our minds, integration really means assimilation. I loved how uncomfortable some his statements made me. I was second-guessing my own attitudes about minorities... It was so refreshing to be challenged in such a tangible way.

And then, that same week, we got word that last year's Huntingtonian placed first in its division in the best overall newspaper competition at the Baptist Press student journalism conference. I love affirmation... I'm pretty sure that it is my love language. Kind, encouraging words stick with me for a long time. And when they are accompanied by a trophy, I feel pretty good about myself, and my capabilities as an editor, and a journalist. Yay... the number of sleepless nights and members of administration that I alienated myself from were not in vain. So exciting.

And then this weekend, I got together with an amazing friend. I hadn't seen him in five years, but we've talked off and on throughout that time. It was just so good to get to talk for an extended period, and to get rid of all the awkwardness. We had such a good time walking down Massachusetts Ave. and getting pizza, then Starbucks. He's had a pretty rough year, and it's nice to see him doing so well finally. And I forgot how much we had in common, esp. when it comes to music... we walked into this store that had a lot of vinyl and it was fun thumbing through them and throwing band names back and forth, and just kind of remembering why we became friends in the first place. We've kind of been through a lot and it is just... refreshing to feel like I really have a friend again in my life.

That got a little mushy up there... I'm done now and must return to studying communication theory...

1 comment:

praradko said...

Hello there :)