Sunday, April 11, 2010

Searching, writing and sun-bathing

Can I just say that church today was amazing, in a way that completely knocked the wind out of me, and scared me to death. Because I like the comfortable rut I'm living in. And to have a woman challenge me out of that is just not something I'm looking for right now.

The speaker came to talk about the defining moment that led her and her husband to move to Mexico and work with orphans. I really liked what she said about defining moments in her book...
"It is a shift
- in what we are capable of.
- in where we want to see our life heading.
- in how we are willing to spend our time, talents and resources."

Good stuff, right?

On our way home from church/lunch/shopping today, Kelli was full of words about what she was feeling/desiring after Exodus this morning. And I just felt like I couldn't tell her what I was thinking about. Like I didn't even know how I was feeling. But I had bought some little notebooks atTarget, and as soon as we got home I sunscreened up and went out to read and journal. Here's what came out of that...

I want a broken heart, contrite spirit, eager hands, ability, resources--not to waste but to enable and equip. I want 'a little less conversation, a little more action.'

I want to pray for the impossible, hope for the improbable and partner in someone's miracle. I want to wake thinking about the problem in the world that just completely floors me--something that breaks my spirit. Let it consume me every moment of my life until I partner with God to become an agent to change it.

Let it begin with me God, let's start this thing.

I pray for openness every day. Openness to seize every opportunity you have ordained for me. I am a writer who appreciates story. But today, I'm asking to become the character in someone else's story of recovery. I want to be the hope, the love, the food, the knowledge-bearer, the rescuer of someone.

Bring me that someone. Break my heart, God. Break it well.

Thanks, guys. I hope you were blessed today. :)

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