Monday, September 12, 2005

Last week I went to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with two of my good friends. I am in love with the books for one reason--I could be best friends with the characters. They are amazingly written, and after three books I feel like I know them as well as any of my friends. So I walked into the theater ready to be disappointed, and I walked out surprisingly satisfied. It was a cheesy, girly story and they did change some needless things from the novels (most of them things only the die-hard readers would have picked out), but thecharacters I saw on the screen are the same girls I have had dancing in my head for the past few years, drinking up these books.

One of the cool, and I am sure hard things about this film is that it is set in four different locations. The four central characters head off to different places on their summer vacation--Greece, Mexico, South Caroline and Maryland. The set in Mexico and Greece was beautiful and it was cool to bounce from place to place. The four different stories, all conncected, reminded me of Love Actually, one of my favorite movies. My favorite part of the film was the emotion that was evoked. You could feel the love between the characters, and it was in a fresh way because it wasn't the typical boy-girl love. It was girl on girl friendship love. It was a sweet movie.

1 comment:

greg said...

only one post this week? so unlike you...

Your treatment. Love the idea - but I still feel as if there needs to be more complications. It is too easy for these girls. I want to see how they will stop at nothing to get to Hanson... and the ending is such a fairy tale! which is cool if that is what you want... but even I know one of those brothers is married... so it would really be a fantasy... In my mind, this story should be more about the girls than about Hanson... although Hanson is so dreamy... whoops... :) see you in class....