Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Perpetual Worrier

- My life.... am I doing a good job living it? Probably not.... Need to work on this.

- My Papaw... he's having bypass surgery on Friday. If you pray... please lift one up for Dick Goddard. He's the best grandpa... a real patriarch in every sense of the word. I'm pretty scared for him... but hopeful that this procedure is going to improve his quality of life in a huge way. The timing of this... a week after we auctioned off what remained of my maternal grandparents' things and finally emptied the farmhouse... is just kind of a lot to handle. And so I worry... and worry... and stress eat... I cannot tell you how hungry I've been this week. All of the time. So hungry. Will you still love me when I'm 350 pounds? Will you, really?

-I reconnected with a friend from college last week in a kind of awkward way. I'm thankful for this awkwardness because catching up with her has been so good. It is weird how you can feel so much like a screw-up... like you don't have a clue in the world... and then you realize that you are just 23 and normal... and this new life experience is just another thing you have to take and learn from... and with that you can connect with people.

I like people. I don't like being worried... so I'm going to head to see what looks like the greatest movie ever made about a roller derby. Going to the movies... in the rain... by myself. Ahhh... I feel better already.

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